We are back for some discussion around HEX Bash, Clash, and the PS4 Card Clash. A little discussion about Lazgar's Vengeance watch list from our perspective. Let Crota, or Nicosharp know what you think can improve the show. Even if it is removing me (Nico), I am fine with constructive criticism and we can easily replace myself. Send us feedback on Crota's youtube or via e-mail to nicosharp@gmail.com.
Our last puzzle only had 3 entries - Thanks SimplyMonk, Xylo, and xbete - you will all get something. To the 2 individuals(teams) that sent us puzzles, thank you! We are reviewing if that is what we continue to do, or try something new. The interest was very minimal.
Crota and Nicosharp explore the Frost Heart Spoilers shared and talk a bit about the new keywords. Old Puzzle solution, and new puzzle with a spoiler! Nico was a little side-tracked for half the episode slowly losing in round 3 of a draft.
A short episode to get back on the wagon. A little shoutout to the CoachFlipperon for his series, and some talk about the new Kismet Reserve spoilers. Of course, A new puzzle from Crota! Entries for the puzzle to Nicosharp@gmail.com (by Monday, 5/29/17)
Crota and Nico back with #27 - Share the old puzzle solution, take about some of the top tournament winning decks from the weekend, have a conversation about motivators that keep us coming back to HEX, and a new puzzle to sink your teeth into. Enjoy!
Puzzle results
Spoiler discussion
Set 6 card revealed!
New Puzzle x2 - with an amazing grand prize.
Remember to like and subscribe to Crota's Youtube Channel, and please offer us feedback so we can improve our weekly show and tune it for you.
Puzzle! - Puzzle Clarification - Voice of the Ashwood is banned! - You should be using a featured set 6 spoiler to solve this puzzle. Ideally, don't play Ruby at all, it cheats at these things!